Action Alert:
Please use the power of your citizen voice to urge the Naperville City Council and Mayor to NOT approve IMEA’s new contract.
– IMEA is Naperville’s wholesale power supplier who has now requested early contract renewal that would extend Naperville’s commitment to IMEA’s predominantly coal-fired ownership generation until 2055.
– We offer our financial arguments in opposition to the new contract in our “Financial Reasons to Say NO“.
– And we remind Naperville and IMEA that the IMEA 2024 Sustainability Plan offers no plans to reduce that coal-fired generation until first required by Illinois legislation in 2035-2038.
You can contact Naperville’s City Council and Mayor using Naperville’s Help Center webpage that became effective on March 4, 2024.
Thank you.
To learn further details about early contract renewal, please see our webpages: Early Contract Renewal and Financial Reasons to Say NO.
If this is your first time to visit us, thank you for your citizen efforts to learn more. We suggest that you visit our Naperville IMEA Graphic webpage and our Naperville, IMEA and PSEC webpage. PSEC is the Prairie State Energy Campus, which is a coal mine, coal-fired generating plant, and coal ash landfill all under one parent entity PSEC. Naperville is a joint owner of PSEC through IMEA, the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency.
If you prefer a question-and-answer type format, please consider our Learn More Overview webpage.
If you are here to learn more, we continue to add to our list of Did You Know? webpages. Please share your questions and suggestions by using our Contact webpage.
Naperville’s contract with IMEA is often a topic of great interest. It’s also important to understand that there’s a joint ownership relationship through IMEA, so we recommend both our Naperville’s Joint Ownership of Coal-Fired Generation webpage and our Naperville IMEA: More Than a Contract webpage.
A lack of transparency in key areas by Naperville and IMEA runs contrary to the spirit and intent of “public power”, as well as open and accountable local government. We believe that Naperville and IMEA have a responsibility to be open and transparent on our coal-fired generation, our power supply resource plans, and much more. Please consider our Lack of Transparency webpage to learn more.
Now is the time for us to raise the political will to bring clean energy to Naperville. Will you help?
Please be part of the citizen voices calling for our Naperville city leaders, as well as our candidates for mayor and city council, to demonstrate leadership and to take ownership responsibility for transitioning our coal-fired ownership to clean energy. Clean energy can protect us from the costs of dirty and expensive coal-fired electricity and improve the health and environment of all communities impacted by Naperville’s ownership and use of coal-fired power plants.
“By ignoring the externalities associated with burning coal, Naperville is contributing to the destruction of the very values it posits.”
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report: Naperville’s Future
Created by Kayla Castellanos, Edwin Exconde, Jake Jaskowiak, Mikayla Kincaid, Chloe Ma, and Scott Williams.
[North Central College, Environmental Studies Department, Spring 2019]

Did you know?
The Naperville Electric Utility sources most of its energy from the ownership of coal-fired generation –emitting more than two billion pounds of CO2 greenhouse gasses every year, along with mercury and other toxic pollutants.
Did you also know?
The Naperville Electric Utility does not allow customers to buy their own solar power. Unlike their ComEd neighbors, Naperville customers cannot buy electricity from another supplier so they must buy Naperville’s coal-fired electricity.

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