Below you will find links to our citizen collection of IMEA board meeting files and other IMEA records.
IMEA Board Meetings Directory
This directory includes our collection of IMEA meeting presentation slides, minutes, and agendas. Prior to publication of our Lack of Transparency report, IMEA’s website typically kept only several past meetings available online.
To facilitate searching for IMEA information, we also have combined, OCRed pdf files of minutes for each full calendar year beginning with 2019:
IMEA Board Resolutions Directory
This directory includes our collection of approved IMEA Board Resolutions. IMEA does not post the board resolutions online. We request copies from IMEA.
IMEA Monthly Financials Directory
This directory includes our collection of IMEA monthly financial statements. IMEA does not post the monthly financial statements online. We request copies from IMEA.
IMEA Early History Directory
This directory also includes the 1984 IMEA Agency Agreement with Naperville as one of the founding members, the 2002 IMEA Integrated Resource Plan Study report, and the IMEA bond prospectus documents that have helped us as citizens to learn much more about IMEA.
IMEA Retired Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
This directory contains lists of IMEA retired RECs for the IMEA REC Planning Years (PYs) beginning with PY2021. We request copies of the detailed reports when IMEA board meetings describe the RECs retirements (typically in the December board meetings).
Note: Since the June 2020 adoption of resolution 20-06-851, IMEA utilizes arbitraged RECs for the legal right to make claims of IMEA renewable energy. From our citizen perspective, IMEA often does not mention the full story of using arbitraged RECs when describing IMEA’s renewable energy and power supply resource mix. IMEA’s business practices regarding RECs are also listed as an example in our detailed document posted on our Lack of Transparency webpage.